The pineapple one was my very first piece that I did. It was a still life. I did not like this type of art.
The monster is paper mache (I think that is how you spell it), I liked doing this one. It kind of reminds me to sponge bob, only green, and well not sponge bob. lol
I think the flower is my most favorite. I had a little tiny picture that I was looking and I drew this big version of it. It is a pastel piece. I love this one. I was pretty proud of myself when I finished it.
The pinch pot is also cool. I like the color. It sits in my living room now. It makes me happy.
The one with the goggle, baseball, and light bulb is cool to look at. I like this type of work too.
The one with the house and the mountains and trees...that is something that a 5th grader will get tested on how to draw. It is like some sort of state test for art that all kids have to take. It is crazy, half the stuff they have to know for this drawing I had no clue what it was. CRAZY!!!
Grover...what else do I have to say. He is great. I really like the children's book "the monster and the end of this book" we have to tear paper to make the characters from our favorite books. He is what I made. I just love him.
The painted tree is really like too. I did this on a canvas. I had to bring a silhouette and this tree is the one I brought, and then had to paint it. I think it is pretty. I plan to paint some more, but most likely not trees.