Monday, April 13, 2009

I made a cake and Baili

So I made this cake a little bit ago, I made it from scratch. It was my first time making a cake from scratch. It was a raspberry cake. I was not too impressed by it, I thought that is was dense, and not very moist. But the frosting was good. I still have to work on making it look pretty, and taste good, but it is fun to do.

Baili was playing with the cat ( oreo). Oreo was sleeping by the window, so Baili decided that she was going to play with her and give her something to look at besides the back yard. She pays real close attention to detail here.

Here Baili and Kristen have set up a barn yard. Need I say more?


  1. That cake looks amazing! I was hoping you'd make and post more cakes. I"m excited to see your creations!
    And, I love Baili's play. That's funny the combinations she the chair with the lion's leg? What's that all about?

  2. So did Oreo like the new scenery? My cats would just knock it out of the way.


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