Thursday, June 11, 2009

So here are some pictures of my beautiful Krsiten. She is a handfull but I love her. Below is a video of her with my Dad. He brought home some bubbles one night after he got off of work. He took them outside and blew them with the girls. I just love it that my girls are able to spend time with my parents. They have 25 grandkids and all of them but my two girls live far away from them. I did not know my grandmothers at all, and my grandpas, I do not remember very well. I am so glad that my kids get to build memories with their grandparents, and that they know that my parents love them.

How can you not think that she is so cute, but look at those eyes, she can be trouble.


  1. man i love dad! kristen's little laugh is cute

  2. Yay for Kristen!!! and Baili!!!! and I also think its great that they get to know Grandpa and Grandma so well.


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